retail excellence

Rapid Image Recognition by TELUS Retail Execution

With TELUS Rapid Image Recognition (RIR), users can reduce the time spent in-store by up to 80% versus the traditional manual counts with greater accuracy, enabling step changes in salesforce productivity.

  • Increase store coverage by 25% within the first year of implementation
  • Reduce out-of-stocks by 5.9% and increase on shelf availability by 6-11%
  • Fix 90% of in-store issues on time within the store visit
  • Go-live within 6-8 weeks – enabling benefits as quickly as possible
informed decisions

Consumer goods companies are losing their brand's share of shelf, promotions and displays in-store. Field reps are struggling to react and take quick and decisive actions.


TELUS Rapid Image Recognition is proven to deliver quality analysis results in less than one minute and up to three minutes for the most complex categories where up to 50 stitched photos can be taken in a single composite image. Sales teams can act fast and dedicate more time to selling, rather than counting products on the shelf.


Using RIR with TELUS’ best-in-class Retail Execution solution gives your company the greatest competitive advantage.

RIR may be used as a stand-alone auditing solution or integrated with your existing retail execution software. Combining Image Recognition with your Perfect Store strategy embedded in the TELUS Retail Execution solution allows you to analyze your compliance and insights faster and more effectively than doing your measurements separately, giving you the tools that are needed where it matters the most: at the shelf.

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“Pushed by diverse forces such as technological innovations, changing market conditions, and old hardware, we needed to conduct a thorough due diligence process to ensure we selected the best solutions for our needs. We are convinced that TELUS Retail Execution was the right fit for us.”


Curlu Seitumer
BSM, BRM, BPM Director, Carlsberg Group